Wholesale orders: Margarine in Zima

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Order № 2022733

Margarine and butter are required to supply confectionery production. The fat content is 82.5%, margarine of 20 kg in boxes, butter in briquettes of 500 grams and 5 kilograms each. The price segment is low and medium. The budget for the trial purchase is 30,000 rubles. Purchases are planned on an ongoing basis with a subsequent increase in volumes. Please provide a price list. I am ready to receive calls from 09:00 to 18:00 local time. I will consider offers from suppliers for the nearest federal budget. Delivery to Vladivostok

Delivery in city
Order № 2013092

Margarine is required for retail sale. TM Chududnitsa, Creamy, in briquettes.  Interested in the low and medium price segment. The purchase budget starts from 50,000 rubles per quarter, and long-term cooperation is planned. With a deferred payment of up to two weeks. Calls are accepted from 9:00 to 22:00 local time. The delivery time is up to 7 days from the date of the application. We will consider proposals only for the Siberian Federal District. Delivery to Novosibirsk region, the exact place of delivery is discussed directly

Delivery in Новосибирскую область
Order № 1999002

Margarine is required for the retail store and bakery supply. Milk, 82% fat content, monoliths 20 kg. The purchase amount is 50,000 rubles per month. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation only on the website, by e-mail. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Siberian Federal District. Delivery to Kyzyl

Delivery in city
Order № 1984922

Table margarine is required for supply. Saratov milk margarine, 82% fat content, monolith 20 kg. We accept calls from 9:00 to 17:00 local time. We will consider the proposals for the surrounding regions. The city of delivery is Gorno-Altaysk, we will consider only with delivery

Delivery in city
Order № 1973095

Margarine is required for supply. Table, fat content 20%, 75% or 80%, 20 kg monolith. The purchase amount is 50,000 rubles per quarter. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We accept calls Mon-Fri from 17:00 to 18:00 local time. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Novosibirsk, city hospital district

Delivery in city
Order № 1970309

Margarine is required for supply. Consider any TM, packing in briquettes of 1kg. The price segment is medium and premium. The purchase volume is 1 ton, on an ongoing basis. Please provide a price list of the products. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia and Kazakhstan. Delivery to Astana

Delivery in city
Order № 1967322

Margarine TM "Sol Pro" is required for supply and further production. Zmzh 33724. fat 99.7%; zmzh 33717. fat 99.7%; for cream 33840. fat 84%; universal 33108. fat 75%. The purchase volume is 20 tons for each item. The price segment is low, medium, premium. Please provide a price list of the products. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Export to Tajikistan

Delivery in city
Order № 1929462

Margarine and butter are required for production. Fat content is 82.5%, margarine is 20 kg in boxes, butter in briquettes of 500 grams and 5 kilograms each. The price segment is low, medium, premium. The budget for the trial purchase starts from 30,000 rubles. Purchases are planned on an ongoing basis with a subsequent increase in volumes. Please provide a price list. I am ready to receive calls from 09:00 to 18:00 local time. I will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia, but preferably from the nearest regions. Delivery to Vladivostok

Delivery in city
Order № 1906231

Margarine is required for supply. We will consider only from manufacturers, any TM and fat content. Packing - 20 kg, in briquettes. The price segment is low, medium and premium. The purchase volume is from 3 to 5 tons, on an ongoing basis. Please provide a price list of the products. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Novosibirsk

Delivery in city
Order № 1905529

Margarine is required for supply. TM "SolPro", fat content 82% The price segment is medium. Please leave your suggestions and price lists by e-mail. We will consider offers from suppliers in the nearest regions. Delivery to Tyumen

Delivery in city
Order № 1892715

Margarine is required for supply. The fat content is 82.5%, we will consider the suggestions for packaging. The price segment is low/medium/high. The purchase volume is 1 ton. Please leave your suggestions and price lists on WhatsApp. We will consider offers from suppliers in the nearest regions. Delivery to Chita

Delivery in city
Order № 1890850

Margarine is required for wholesale sale. Packing in packs of 180 g and monolith up to 20 kg. Fat content is up to 85%. The price segment ranges from low to premium. Purchases from 50,000 rubles per month. When making calls, please take into account the time of Vladivostok (Moscow time +7), we accept calls from 2:00 to 10:00 Moscow time. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers all over Russia. The city of delivery is Vladivostok

Delivery in city
Order № 1865899

Margarine is required for retail. Baking powder, fat content 82%, packing 200 gr. The purchase amount is 250,000 rubles per quarter. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Barnaul

Delivery in city
Order № 1849584

Oil products are required to supply production. Margarine, fat content 82.5%, we will consider the suggestions for packing; refined sunflower oil, deodorized and undeodorized, packing 5 liters. The price segment is low, medium or premium. The purchase volume is margarine 1 ton, sunflower oil 300 pieces, on a regular basis. Please leave suggestions and price list of products on WhatsApp. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Chita

Delivery in city
Order № 1796742

Margarine is required for retail. Fat content from 40%, packing 180 g. The purchase amount is 50,000 rubles, a regular requirement. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers in the SFO. Delivery to the DNT. Serebryany Bor, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Delivery in Красноярский край

Fat and oil products: Margarine

In the section “Fat and oil products", section “Margarine", on the trading floor supl.biz registered users regularly post ads in order to buy large and small wholesale products of this category at a bargain price.

Customers want to find wholesale suppliers for the purchase of high-quality margarine (products with a mass fraction of fat of at least 20%), for further retail sale, supply, production. It is one of the most popular fat-containing products in many countries, despite the presence of butter and vegetable oils. It is effectively used by manufacturers of waffles, pastries, sweets, sauces, semi-finished products.

You can leave an offer for a suitable order on the website in a free form. Write a message to the client, specify the cost / kg, delivery date, name/company name, phone/e-mail. Also in the application you can add a photo, a price list or a link to the catalog of the online store, where the full range of products is presented, there is information about payment methods, delivery in Moscow, other cities in Russia, etc.

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