Wholesale orders: Bags and film in Pokachi

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Order № 2026981

Plastic bags are required for packaging bulk products. 1. For 3 kg, 25*36 cm, 90 microns, with reinforced handle. 2. For 5 kg, 30*40 cm, 90 microns, with reinforced handle. 3. For 10 kg, 40*44 cm, 90 microns, with reinforced handle. Purchase volume - 10 000 - 20 000 pieces of each size. Purchase deadline: we are ready to purchase immediately if there are suitable offers. We accept calls from 11:00 to 16:00 Yekaterinburg time. We will consider proposals for the Ufa, Volga Federal District and Kazakhstan. The city of delivery is Yekaterinburg

Delivery in city
Order № 2026392

Plastic bags are required to supply the grocery store. Packing bags, T-shirt bags and with a hole handle. The price segment is low and medium. The initial purchase starts from 50,000 rubles. The purchase deadline is in May. We accept calls from 14:00 to 16:00 local time. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider the proposals for the surrounding regions. Delivery to Kropachevo settlement, Chelyabinsk region

Delivery in Челябинскую область
Order № 2025071

Packages are required for the production of dog food. Package dimensions are 500x800 mm, for a weight of 25 kg. Consider offers from manufacturers. The purchase volume is 10,000 pieces. Purchases are carried out on an ongoing basis. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls from 18:00 to 21:00 Moscow time. We are considering offers from manufacturers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Chelyabinsk

Delivery in city
Order № 2022850

PET film is required for dairy products. For sealing, with perforation, roll width 130-135 mm, from 20 microns, primary. The purchase volume is 50 kg. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We accept calls every day from 8:00 to 17:00 local time. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Ufa region. Delivery to Kurgan

Delivery in city
Order № 2022696

Kraft bags with handles are required for retail sale in a candy store. Sizes from 14*20 cm and more. The price segment is low. The initial purchase starts from 200,000 rubles ($2,000). In the future, it is possible to increase the procurement budget. Purchase period: early April. We accept calls from 10:00 to 20:00 Novosibirsk time (6:00-16:00 Moscow time). We will consider proposals for the nearby regions of Russia, Kazakhstan and China. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. Delivery city – Novosibirsk, Central district

Delivery in city
Order № 2021482

A plastic film is required to supply the organization. 150-200 microns. The color is bright: yellow, green. In a roll, 2 m wide, 100 m long. The purchase volume is 2 rolls, the delivery time is one week. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls from 9:00 to 18:00 local time. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to the city of Chusovoy

Delivery in city
Order № 2020620

Plastic T-shirt bags are required for sale in a retail store. Black, medium-sized. The price segment is medium. Purchases are planned on an ongoing basis with a subsequent increase in volumes. Please provide a price list. I am ready to receive calls from 8:00 to 21:00 local time. I will consider offers from suppliers in the nearest regions. Delivery to Tyumen or Shchetkovo village, Tyumen region

Delivery in Тюменскую область
Order № 2016696

Packages are required to open a retail hardware store. Plastic bags, T-shirts and packing bags. The price segment is low and medium. Purchase period: within one month. We accept calls from 13:00 to 20:00 Moscow time. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider proposals for the Volga Federal District and Ufa. Delivery city – Baymak

Delivery in city
Order № 2015551

Packing bags are required for supply. Ziploc, size 90*120 cm, any density, matte, without handles, without application. The purchase volume is from 3,000 to 10,000 units. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We accept calls every day from 10:00 to 17:00 Moscow time. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Omsk

Delivery in city
Order № 2015780

Packages are required to supply the store. Plastic and paper bags: packing bags, T-shirts, with a hole handle. The price segment is low and medium. Purchase period: 1 week. We accept calls from 10:00 to 18:00 Novosibirsk time (6:00-14:00 Moscow time). Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider the proposals for the nearby regions of Russia. Also in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkey, the UAE and China. The city of delivery is Prokopyevsk

Delivery in city
Order № 2015281

A dense greenhouse film is required to supply the theater. The purchase volume is 2 rolls, on an ongoing basis. Delivery time is up to two months. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls from 14:00 to 21:00 Moscow time. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Yakutsk

Delivery in city
Order № 2012917

Garbage bags are required for retail sale. Volume from 60 liters. The purchase amount is from 100,000 rubles, on an ongoing basis. The purchase time depends on the prices offered. Please provide the product price list. Calls are convenient from 9:00 to 18:00 Chelyabinsk time. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Chelyabinsk

Delivery in city
Order № 2012076

Stretch film is required for furniture production. Primary, density 25 microns, roll width up to 60 cm, 1 roll 2.5-2.2 kg, 6 rolls in a box, specify the price including delivery, delivery time up to 14 calendar days. The purchase volume is 10 boxes. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We accept calls Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 16:00 local time. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Kemerovo

Delivery in city
Order № 2011732

PVC film is required for door production. The price segment is medium. Monthly requirement. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls from 10:00 to 15:00 local time. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Ishim

Delivery in city
Order № 2011197

Plastic bags are required to supply the grocery store. Packing bags and T-shirt bags. The options are relevant in terms of size. The price segment is low. Purchases starting from 30,000 rubles per week. In the future, it is possible to increase the procurement budget. We accept calls from 10:00 to 17:00 local time (6:00-13:00 Moscow time). Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers all over Russia. The city of delivery is Kemerovo

Delivery in city

Bags and film

Рубрика «Пакеты и пленки» веб-сайта supl.biz ежедневно предоставляет поставщикам доступ к большому количеству заявок от заказчиков, желающих купить на выгодных условиях товар оптом и в розницу.

Наиболее востребованными в этой рубрике у оптовых заказчиков в Москве, Московской области и других регионах России являются следующие категории товаров:
— пленка: упаковочная, в т.ч. полиэтиленовая и воздушно-пузырьковая, композитная, стрейч-пленка для упаковки изделий из различных материалов, цветная, в рулонах и другая;
— мешки полипропиленовые: мусорные, для муки и отрубей, строительные, с вкладышем, обычной плотности и др.;
— бумажные пакеты: крафтовые, для кондитерских изделий, с ручками и без ручек и др.;
— пвд: гранула, пленка и другие.

Рассматриваются любые цвета и размеры. Также спросом у некоторых заказчиков пользуются изделия из полиэтилена.

Опция “Открыть контакты заказчика” сайта supl.biz поможет поставщику узнать актуальные контакты и связаться с заказчиком по телефону или отправить письмо с предложением по email. Можно разместить свое предложение в специальной форме на сайте в оранжевой рамке.

Предложение может содержать следующую информацию:
— цены в разной валюте;
— каталог с реальными фото товаров, имеющихся в наличии;
— отзывы довольных клиентов.

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