Wholesale orders: Bars, restaurants in the city Кирове

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Bars, restaurants

In the catalog of the "Bars, restaurants" section of the business website supl.biz applications from customers wishing to purchase goods and receive services in this category are submitted.

Bars, pubs, cafes, restaurants and other catering establishments are always ready to offer guests a great time! Visiting new places in the center or on the cozy streets of cities, you can taste the best dishes of any cuisine in the world. Delicious cocktails and a varied wine menu are always waiting for visitors, as well as a large selection of beers in beer establishments. You can also rent a hall or a veranda for a special event, choose the interior you like and discuss the conditions (prices, list of services provided, etc.).

The following goods and services are in demand among customers in Moscow and other cities of Russia and Kazakhstan: rent of cafes for express dating evenings, services of food suppliers, hookahs khalil mamoon, etc.

You can find a suitable application on the website supl.biz . Start cooperation by sending a sales offer to the customer, where you can specify phone numbers/ email address, payment methods and attach reviews from satisfied customers.

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