Wholesale orders: Aromamarketing in the city Туле

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In the category “Aromamarketing" on the b2b business platform supl.biz you can find wholesale orders for professional aromatization of business premises from clients from Moscow and other regions of Russia.

Aroma marketing is one of the most relevant and trending areas of sensory marketing, which is based on managing people's feelings, emotions and memory with the help of fragrances.

To respond to a suitable ad in the “Aromamarketing” section, click “Leave an offer for the customer” and fill out a convenient form on the website, the customer will receive an online notification. Attach a catalog of services and a price list to the offer and specify your current contacts for prompt feedback. You can also contact by phone or send a letter with an offer by email. To do this, open the customer's contacts using the link “Open customer's contacts”.

If your company provides indoor fragrance services, for you on a business platform supl.biz An option to create a company profile is available. You can upload a catalog of services, prices, payment and delivery terms to your profile, as well as specify your current contacts for quick communication with customers.

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