Wholesale orders: Gardening tools and equipment. Repair equipment in the city Цимлянске

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Order № 1858547

Garden tools are required for retail sale. Pruners, hoes, shovels, etc. The price segment is economy and medium. The purchase amount is 50,000 rubles, on a regular basis. Please provide a price list. We will consider suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Novoshakhtinsk

Delivery in city
Order № 1858091

The goods for the cottage are required for further retail sale. Consider shovels, garden gloves, watering cans, etc. in the assortment The price segment is low, medium and premium. I am interested in working on the dropshipping system. Please provide a price list of the products. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia.

Delivery in Siberian Federal district
Order № 1858062

Garden tools are required for retail sale. Pitchforks, hoes, shovels, cuttings, sprayers, etc. The price segment is low. The budget for the trial purchase starts from 30,000 rubles. Purchases are planned on an ongoing basis with a subsequent increase in volumes. Please provide a price list. I will consider offers from suppliers in the Southern Federal District. Delivery to the village of Novonikolskoye (Volgograd region)

Delivery in Volgograd oblast
Order № 1857020

Trimers and lawn mowers in the retail range are required. Gasoline and electric, economy, medium, high, premium price segment. The purchase amount is 450,000 rubles ($4,500) per quarter. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers in Russia, China, the Republic of Belarus, Turkey, the UAE and Kazakhstan. Delivery to Khasavyurt

Delivery in city
Order № 1853702

A garden pruner is required for sale through the marketplace. Reinforced, with a long handle. The price segment is low. The budget for the trial purchase is 50,000 rubles. Purchases are planned on an ongoing basis. Please leave the product offers and price list on the website/ e-mail. I will consider offers from suppliers for the nearest FO. Delivery to Astrakhan

Delivery in city
Order № 1853521

Garden watering cans are required for wholesale. Plastic, we will consider all offers in terms of size. The price segment is low. The budget for the trial purchase is 50,000 rubles. Purchases are planned on an ongoing basis. Please leave the product offers and price list on the website/ e-mail. Pickup from the Moscow region, Moscow and Voronezh, in the Southern Federal District

Delivery in city
Order № 1853446

Trimmers in the assortment are required for implementation according to the dropshipping system. I am interested in the budget and average price segments of the product. Long-term cooperation is planned. Please provide a price list of the products. The preferred method of communication is calls, WhatsApp. We will consider suppliers all over Russia

Delivery in Central Federal district
Order № 1853438

Lawn mowers in the assortment are required for implementation according to the dropshipping system. I am interested in the budget and average price segments of the product. Long-term cooperation is planned. Please provide a price list of the products. The preferred method of communication is calls, WhatsApp. We will consider suppliers all over Russia

Delivery in Central Federal district
Order № 1852963

Gardening equipment is required in the assortment for retail sale. Shovels, hoes, watering cans, watering hoses, etc. The price segment is low. The purchase amount is from 200,000 rubles, on an ongoing basis. Please provide a price list of the products. The preferred method of communication is WhatsApp. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Yeysk

Delivery in city
Order № 1780141

Garden tools are required for retail sale. Hoses, shovels, etc. The price segment is low and medium. The initial purchase starts from 30,000 rubles. In the future, it is possible to increase the procurement budget. We accept calls from 9:00 to 18:00 Moscow time. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider proposals for Russia. The city of delivery is Sochi

Delivery in city
Order № 1851289

Garden tools from FISKARS, MO companies are required for retail sale and on the marketplace. The following items are required: shovels, scissors, pruners, axes. I am interested in the budget, medium price segment of products. The amount of the initial purchase is from 100,000 rubles. Long-term cooperation is planned in the future. Please provide a price list of the products. The preferred method of communication is calls, WhatsApp, Telegram. We will consider suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Shchelkovo

Delivery in city
Order № 1848430

Household plant supplies are required: automatic watering, pots, etc. For sale on the marketplace. The purchase budget starts from 50,000 rubles. Long-term cooperation is planned in the future. Please leave the product offers and price list on the website/ e-mail. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Anapa

Delivery in city
Order № 1848393

Electric and gasoline gardening equipment and spare parts for them are required for further resale on the marketplace. Trimmers, tillers, mowers, fishing lines, casings, coils, knives, etc. The price segment is low, medium. The purchase amount is from 50,000 rubles. Please leave the product offers and price list on the website/e-mail. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Southern Federal District. Delivery to Krasnodar territory, Krylovsky district, Krylovskaya village

Delivery in Krasnodar Krai
Order № 1847935

Garden tools and equipment are required for further sale. Petrol pumps, tillers, chainsaws, lawn mowers, shovels, etc. The price segment is economy and medium. The purchase amount is 300,000 rubles on a regular basis. I am considering offers from suppliers in the nearest regions. Delivery to the station of Tbilisi, Krasnodar Territory

Delivery in Krasnodar Krai
Order № 1844923

Tillers in the assortment are required for further retail resale. The price segment is low, medium, premium. The purchase amount is up to 1,000,000 rubles ($10,000). Please provide a price list of the products. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, China, the UAE, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to the city of Baymak

Delivery in city

Gardening tools and equipment. Repair equipment

В каталоге рубрики «Садово-огородный инвентарь и техника. Ремонт инвентаря» b2b-платформы supl.biz размещаются заявки от оптовых компаний (магазинов, предприятий), ищущих поставщиков, готовых осуществлять поставки инструментов для работы в саду оптом и в розницу.

Организации заказчики Москвы и других городов России желают купить по приемлемой цене садовый и огородный инвентарь и технику, необходимые для работы на дачном участке и в огороде.
В данной категории пользуются большим спросом следующие разновидности товаров от разных производителей: снегоуборщики, лопаты, черенки, газонокосилки, шланги для полива, триммеры, мотокультиваторы, грабли, лейки, ведра, тачки, ограждения для огорода и пр.

Некоторых заказчиков также интересуют поставщики с наличием сервисных центров.

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