Wholesale orders: Tank equipment, tanks in Strunino

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Order № 2020425

A storage container made of fiberglass is required for supply. NE-70-3000, V=70.0 m3, D=3.0m, L=10.0m. The purchase volume is 1 unit, the delivery time is up to two weeks. Please leave product offers and price list on the website/email. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Solnechnogorsk

Delivery in city
Order № 2020470

Tanks are required for installation in basements. Five hundred, vertical and with a candle. The volume is 0.5 liters and 0.7 liters . The purchase amount is up to 150,000 rubles, on a permanent basis. We are ready to receive calls from 9:00 to 18:00 local time. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Irmino

Delivery in Луганскую область
Order № 1969855

Tanks are required to transport chemical raw materials for export. The volume is 60 tons. The price segment is low, medium and premium. The purchase volume is 30 pcs., a one-time need. Please provide a price list of products and terms of cooperation. We accept calls from 8:00 - 20:00 Moscow time. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia and the CIS. Delivery to Tumangan station, North Korea

Delivery in Центральный федеральный округ
Order № 1967557

A filter tank with a Public 1080mm nozzle bottom is required for supply. Quantity - 2 pcs. Purchases under 223-FZ. We accept calls until 14:00 Moscow time. The application is valid until 07.12.2024, until 15:00 in Irkutsk. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. The city of delivery is Ust-Labinsk, Krasnodar Territory

Delivery in city
Order № 1930835

A round cement silo is required for supply. The total height is 6 m, the distance from the ground to the bottom of the neck is 50 cm, the volume is 25 m3 The purchase volume is 1 pc. Please provide a price list of the products. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Kalach-on-Don

Delivery in city
Order № 1926666

Tanks and containers are required for sale in the online store. Metal tanks for baths, plastic barrels, expansion tanks, etc. The price segment is from low to premium (the cost of the product starts from 5,000 rubles). The initial purchase is for 300,000 rubles ($3,000). In the future, it is possible to increase the procurement budget. We accept calls from 11:00 to 17:00 Moscow time. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers throughout Russia and Belarus. Pickup throughout Russia

Delivery in city
Order № 1919343

Used and used storage tanks are required for production. Cryogenic, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen. Type: CTK, ZHU, TRZHK, UDH, SGU, ASU, GHK, RCV. Consider it in working and non-working condition, in any cubic capacity. We are also ready to consider carbon dioxide-type tanks and compressed air compressors. The price segment is low, medium, premium. The purchase amount is up to 1,500,000 rubles ($15,000), on an ongoing basis. Please provide a price list of the products. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia and Belarus. Pickup

Delivery in Центральный федеральный округ
Order № 1917980

Supply tanks are required. The detailed specification is in the attached file: attachment . The purchase volume is 1 unit for each item. Please leave your suggestions in the form of a KP by e-mail. We will consider offers from suppliers in the nearest regions. Delivery to Samara

Delivery in city
Order № 1888315

A used tank (container) is required: 1.1. Condition sealed, without mechanical damage 1.2. The material is metal 1.3. Volume of at least 50 m3 1.4. The number of closing hatches on top for water intake is 1 pc. 1.5. Round/ cylindrical type 1.6.Underground execution 1.7.Wall thickness of at least 4 mm 1.8.Type of installation on the foundation The purchase volume is 1 pc. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Izhevsk

Delivery in city
Order № 1833125

Metal containers of 30 m3 are required for year-round ground fuel storage, vertical loading. The price segment is low. The quantity is 2 pcs. We accept calls from 5:00 to 12:00 Moscow time. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. The city of delivery is successful, we need a price with delivery

Delivery in city
Order № 1824793

A silo is required to supply production. 50 m3, round, collapsible, for mineral powder. The purchase volume is 1 pc. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Kalach-on-Don

Delivery in city
Order № 1818396

Tanks are required for supply. A balanced tank of 27 m3 - 1 pc. Drainage tank 10 m3 - 1 pc. Please provide a price list. I will consider offers from suppliers in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in Kazakhstan, China, Turkey, Belarus, and the United Arab Emirates. Delivery to Krasnogorsk, Nakhabino village

Delivery in city
Order № 1784786

Cement silo is required: new or used; 50-100 tons; for supply. Please leave the product offers and price list on the website/ e-mail. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, China, the UAE and Turkey. Delivery to Miass

Delivery in city
Order № 1756948

Cryogenic, nitrogen, oxygen, etc. tanks are required for further production. Type: CTK, TRZHK, SGU, ASU, GC RCV. The price segment is low, medium, premium. The purchase amount is up to 1,500,000 rubles ($15,000). Please provide a price list of the products. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia and Belarus. Delivery to Ramenskoye, pickup is possible

Delivery in city
Order № 1632934

Gas tanks are required for retail sale. Capacity 600 - 10,000 m3. The purchase volume is from 5 pcs. Please provide a price list on the website/email. We will consider offers all over Russia. Delivery to Leningrad and Tver regions, the exact place of delivery is being specified

Delivery in Ленинградскую область

Tank equipment, tanks

Рубрика “Емкостное оборудование, резервуары” в разделе с оптовыми заказами на Supl.biz содержит перечень заявок на приобретение продукции такого типа от различных компаний по всей России и из других стран. Ознакомьтесь с примерами свежих заказов оптом:

— вертикальные ёмкости работающие под давлением, объем от 10 л до 10 м3, для снабжения производства;
— уплотняющий затвор для герметизации кольцевого пространства между понтоном и резервуарной стенкой для эксплуатации в условиях умеренного климата, обязательны сертификаты и паспорт завода-изготовителя;
— вертикальный стальной резервуар для хранения битума, материал изготовления: черная сталь любой марки;
— нержавеющие стальные емкости, б/у, от любых производителей;
— промышленные газгольдеры, объём 800 литров и 5000 литров;
— резервуары, чтобы хранить техническую воду;
— резервуары подземного исполнения, наземные емкости.

Эти и другие заявки представлены на платформе Сапл-биз. Множество предприятий, которым требуется заказать оптом данные изделия, размещают заказы и ждут, пока поставщики предложат цены и условия сотрудничества. Если у вас производственная компания, которая производит такое оборудование, и может поставлять его в больших объемах, обозначьте это в предложении, на случай, если потребность компании-заказчика постоянная.

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