Wholesale orders: Fire-resistant materials. fire-fighting structures. refractory materials in Polohy

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Fire-resistant materials. fire-fighting structures. refractory materials

On the supl trading platform.biz daily publishes ads for the purchase of products from the category “Flame retardant and refractory materials. Fire-fighting structures” from customers. They want to buy goods in bulk in Moscow, Moscow region and other regions of Russia on favorable terms.

The refractory material is characterized by the stability of its structure when exposed to high temperatures, flames and chemicals. Fire protection is used for almost all buildings where heating equipment is installed — residential buildings, industrial enterprises, etc. It is used to protect premises from fire.

Orders are often received for the following products:
— minerite;
— compositions for fire resistance;
— fire extinguishers OU-3;
— foaming agents PO-6TS;
— equipped fire protection shields;
— mertel MMK-72;
— chamotte-clay mass.

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