Wholesale orders: CHECKPOINT in the city Osh

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Auto parts for domestic cars: CHECKPOINT

Customers from different cities of Russia/foreign countries publish new applications in the ad database for the heading "Auto parts for domestic cars" on the trading platform supl.biz to buy a checkpoint at a wholesale price.

Wholesale buyers want to find suppliers who have gearboxes (mechanical, automatic, etc.) for Russian-made cars and trucks on sale. Customers are ready to order with delivery original high-quality automatic transmission and contract manual transmission assemblies for repair and maintenance of cars TM VAZ, GAZ, UAZ and other models from a domestic manufacturer.

You can respond to the selected order in the "Leave an offer" application of the site. In it, specify the current cost of the spare part, the delivery time of the boxes, the name of the company and contact information (tel., e-mail). You can also upload a photo of the part, a price list or add a link to the catalog of products that are available in stock and presented for sale in the online store.

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