Wholesale orders: Household chemistry

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Order № 2027842

An assortment of household chemicals is required for sale in a grocery retail store. Soaps, powders, etc. The price segment is medium. The purchase amount is from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles, on an ongoing basis. Delivery time is up to a week. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls from 9:00 to 18:00 local time. We are considering offers from suppliers in the nearest regions. Delivery to Samara

Delivery in city
Order № 2028270

Household chemicals are required to supply a nursing home. Cleaning and cleaning products, etc.  Interested in the middle price segment. The purchase budget starts from 150,000 rubles, and long-term cooperation is planned. Calls are accepted on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00 local time. The delivery time is up to 6 days from the date of the application. We will consider proposals for the Republic of Buryatia. Delivery to the settlement at the station Embassy, Republic of Buryatia

Delivery in Республику Бурятию
Order № 2028277

Household chemicals are required for sale in a retail store. Cleaning and cleaning products, etc. Interested in the middle price segment. The purchase budget starts from 30,000 rubles per month, and long-term cooperation is planned. Calls are accepted from 10:00 to 20:00 local time. The delivery time is up to 5 days from the date of the application. We will consider offers all over Russia. Delivery to Lobnya

Delivery in city
Order № 2028348

Household chemicals are required for repair work. Floor cleaners, rust repellents, detergents, hand creams, and more. Interested in any price segment. The purchase budget starts from 50,000 rubles, and long-term cooperation is planned. Calls are accepted from 9:00 to 18:00 local time. The delivery time is up to 14 days from the date of the application. We will consider the proposals for the Central Federal District. Delivery to Moscow, the exact location is discussed directly

Delivery in city
Order № 2028071

Household chemicals are required to supply the cafe and for the shop at the cafe. Floor cleaner, dish detergent, etc. The price segment is low. Purchase period: one month. Please provide the product price list. We accept calls from 12:00 to 18:00 Moscow time. We consider suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Saint Petersburg, Soyuz Pechatnikov St.

Delivery in city
Order № 2027883

Household chemicals are required for retail sale in the store. Soaps, gels, shampoos, and more. The purchase amount is 300,000 rubles ($3,000), on an ongoing basis. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls from 8:00 to 19:00 Moscow time. We consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, the UAE, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Tula

Delivery in city
Order № 2028225

Household chemicals are required to supply the coffee shop. Cleaning and cleaning products, etc.  Interested in the low, medium and high price segment. The purchase budget starts from 50,000 rubles per quarter, and long-term cooperation is planned. Please provide the price list on WhatsApp. The delivery time is up to 3 days from the date of the application. We will consider the proposals for the nearest regions. Delivery to Kemerovo

Delivery in city
Order № 2028106

Household chemicals are required for retail sale in the store. Detergents, dishwashers, etc. The price segment ranges from low to premium. The initial purchase is up to 50,000 rubles. Purchase period: end of April — beginning of May (at the opening of river navigation). We accept calls from 12:00 to 18:00 Krasnoyarsk time. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider the proposals for the surrounding regions. The city of delivery is Krasnoyarsk

Delivery in city
Order № 2027291

Household chemicals are required for sale in a retail store. Cleaning and cleaning products, etc.  Interested in the medium and premium price segment. The purchase budget starts from 60,000 rubles per quarter, and long-term cooperation is planned. Calls are accepted from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00 local time. The delivery time is up to 14 days from the date of the application. We will consider the proposals for the Siberian Federal District. Delivery to Krasnoobsk, Novosibirsk region

Delivery in Новосибирскую область
Order № 2026643

Household chemicals are required for wholesale sale (wholesale base and supplies). Detergents, dishwashing detergents, etc. We will consider offers only from manufacturers. The economy price segment. Purchase starting from 300,000 rubles. Purchase period: 2 weeks. In the future, it is possible to increase the procurement budget. The preferred method of communication is written (WhatsApp, Telegram, email, website). Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. The delivery city is Arkhangelsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and Khabarovsk.

Delivery in city
Order № 2026961

Household chemicals are required to supply catering. Dishwashing detergents, floor cleaners, etc. The price segment is high. Purchases starting from 100,000 rubles. Purchase during March. We accept calls from 17:00 to 22:00 local time (9:00-16:00 Moscow time). Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers all over Russia. Delivery city – Chita

Delivery in city
Order № 2027539

Household chemicals are required for the grocery store. Detergents, dishwashers, etc. The price segment is low and medium. Purchase period: one week. We accept calls from 10:00 to 18:00 Moscow time. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Central Federal District. Delivery in D. First Alekseevka, Moscow region

Delivery in Московскую область
Order № 2027424

Household chemicals are required for sale in a retail store. Cleaning and cleaning products, etc. Interested in the high and premium price segment. The purchase budget starts from 50,000 rubles (~ $500), and long-term cooperation is planned. Calls are accepted from 12:00 to 00:00 local time. The delivery time is up to 60 days from the date of the application. We will consider offers throughout Russia, the UAE, Turkey, Belarus, Kazakhstan and China. Delivery to Berdsk or Novosibirsk, Oktyabrsky district

Delivery in city
Order № 2027273

Children's household chemicals are required for sale in a retail store. Hypoallergenic powders, conditioners for washing baby clothes, and more. Interested in the middle price segment. The purchase budget starts from 60,000 rubles per quarter, and long-term cooperation is planned. Calls are accepted from 10:00 to 18:00 local time. We will consider offers all over Russia. Delivery to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Delivery in city
Order № 2027276

Baby care cosmetics are required for sale in a retail store. Powders, creams, and more. Interested in the middle price segment. The purchase budget starts from 60,000 rubles per quarter, and long-term cooperation is planned. Calls are accepted from 10:00 to 18:00 local time. We will consider offers all over Russia. Delivery to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Delivery in city

Household chemistry

Регулярно пополняющаяся рубрика «Бытовая химия» на b2b-платформе supl.biz содержит большое количество объявлений от оптовых заказчиков, готовых приобрести товары крупным и мелким оптом, а также в розницу.

Оптовые компании заказчики Москвы и других регионов России заинтересованы в поставщиках, готовых поставить свою продукцию по выгодной цене с доставкой по России и в страны ближнего зарубежья или предложить вариант самовывоза со склада.

Высоким спросом в этой рубрике пользуются следующие виды товаров:
— средства гигиены;
— мыло в ассортименте;
— стиральные порошки разных производителей.

Многие заказчики заинтересованы в долгосрочном сотрудничестве на длительной основе.

Для получения телефона / адреса электронной почты заказчика воспользуйтесь кнопкой “Открыть контакты заказчика” на веб-платформе supl.biz. Свое предложение купить средства для наведения чистоты можно отправить заказчику через форму под объявлением о закупке «Оставить предложение для заказчика». В предложении поставщик может:
— указать актуальные цены в разной валюте и свои контакты: телефоны, e-mail, часы работы;
— уточнить, возможна ли оплата по карте или перевод на расчетный счет;
— прикрепить отзывы довольных клиентов на товар.

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