Wholesale orders: Фулфилмент in Krasnoyarsk

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Order № 1195338

Fulfillment services are required, goods - T-shirts and dried mango; packaging - vacuum bags; no shelf life. We will consider proposals from performers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Koledino, Elektrostal and Kazan

Delivery in city
Order № 1193650

Fulfillment services are required, goods - jewelry, cosmetics, gift sets; packaging - boxes; no shelf life. We will consider proposals from performers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Ufa and Elektrostal

Delivery in city
Order № 1189850

Fulfillment services are required. Products: scarves, hats. The packaging is being specified, repackaging is necessary, and barcodes are applied. Shelf life - discussed additionally. I am considering offers from performers in Russia. Please leave suggestions on the website / email.by mail. Delivery to Podolsk or Elektrostal

Delivery in Московскую область
Order № 1180730

Fulfillment services are required, goods - cosmetics and consumables for beauty salons; packaging boxes and bags; no shelf life. We will consider proposals from performers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Kazan

Delivery in city
Order № 1179712

Fulfillment services are required. Types of goods: bathroom products (dispensers, dispensers, etc.), car accessories (covers, pumps, phone holders, etc.), board games, kitchen utensils (shovels, boards, mats, etc.), etc. Packaging: boxes or bubble wrap depending on the product. Shelf life is being discussed. Delivery to Moscow, Koledino district

Delivery in city
Order № 1179618

Fulfillment services are required, goods - children's kitchens made of plastic, kitchen utensils, electric coffee makers, electric coffee grinders, gifts for February 23, March 8 and February 14, Trimily begovel, children's toys (Lego, opening, wooden); packaging boxes; no shelf life. We will consider proposals from performers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Podolsk or Tyumen or Moscow

Delivery in city
Order № 1171805

Fulfillment services are required, goods - textiles; packaging - cardboard half-boxes; without shelf life. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Moscow

Delivery in city
Order № 1167894

Fulfillment services are required, goods - socks, thermal mugs, car flavors; packaging boxes are croton; without shelf life. Do not disturb with calls, leave suggestions on the website or send by e-mail. We will consider offers from suppliers in Krasnoyarsk. Delivery to Novosibirsk

Delivery in city
Order № 1164089

Storage of goods is required: toys and cosmetics. Type of packaging - we will discuss with the supplier. Shelf life is unlimited. Work on the FBS system. Delivery to the city of Novosibirsk/Moscow

Delivery in city
Order № 1153599

A fulfillment service is required, the product is blankets., the type of packaging is bags and boxes, the shelf life is up to 1 month. Delivery to Moscow

Delivery in city
Order № 1151867

Fulfillment services are required, goods - bags belts; packaging - cardboard boxes; no shelf life. We will consider offers from suppliers in Moscow and Novosibirsk. Delivery to Moscow

Delivery in city
Order № 1151883

Fulfillment services are required, product: wireless headphones, packaging is being discussed. The shelf life is 3 days, but a more precise period is being discussed. We will consider offers from any regions. Delivery to Moscow, Koledino

Delivery in city
Order № 1126327

Fulfillment services are required: the necessary product is candy, the type of packaging is cardboard. The shelf life is 3 months. We will consider offers from any regions. Delivery to Tyumen

Delivery in city


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Фулфилмент — комплексное обслуживание интернет-магазинов, маркетплейсов. Всю логистику берет на себя сторонний оператор. Он забирает товар со склада клиента, занимается его сборкой — упаковывает, наносит маркировку, ищет место для его хранения до доставки покупателю или в пункт самовывоза, а также обрабатывает возвраты заказов. Логистических схем приема, перевозки, перемещения, хранения, поставки продукции и др. операций очень много, используются они в разных сочетаниях.

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