Wholesale orders: Фулфилмент in Krasnoyarsk
Ordering products suppliers for wholesale purchases of goods and services is published here, as well as searching for suppliers. You can leave suggestions for orders or place your own.
- Food, beverages223146
- Construction and finishing materials100594
- Clothes. Footwear. Toys98016
- Metals82196
- Household goods, packaging, office63179
- Health and beauty38252
- Auto supplies and car service38191
- Consumer goods and specialty stores35154
- Polygraphy. Advertisement27462
- Electronics and electrical engineering27151
- Textile. Interior items25374
- Industrial equipment and tools24020
- Transport and trucking20508
- Equipment and tools20180
- Chemicals and Fuel20083
- Sport. Tourism. Rest19224
- Computers. Household and office equipment18540
- Goods and services for animals16000
- Furniture and fittings12791
- The goods for the garden11074
- IT. Internet. Connection9398
- Construction. Realty. Repair4316
- Safety and security1984
- Legal, financial and business services452
- Фулфилмент145
- Fire safety64
- Manufacture of seals and stamps62
- Financial services27
- Investment funds and business incubators25
- Valuation25
- Call centers14
- Certification and licensing14
- Legal services13
- Accounting services11
- Organization of foreign trade activities11
- Customs clearance11
- Banking services10
- Sale of businesses, franchises9
- Consulting services8
- Lending6
- Leasing services3
- Insurance3
- Energy audit3
- Registration of real estate, land2
- Radiation control1
- Collection services0
- Pawn shops0
- Migration services0
- Non-state pension funds0
- Operations on the stock market0
- The organization of exhibitions0
- The organization of electronic bidding, auctions0
- Self-regulatory organization (SRO)0
- Factoring services0
- Art and culture379
- Leisure and entertainment320
- Utilities270
- Work. Study39
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Fulfillment services are required, goods - T-shirts and dried mango; packaging - vacuum bags; no shelf life. We will consider proposals from performers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Koledino, Elektrostal and Kazan
Fulfillment services are required, goods - jewelry, cosmetics, gift sets; packaging - boxes; no shelf life. We will consider proposals from performers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Ufa and Elektrostal
Fulfillment services are required. Products: scarves, hats. The packaging is being specified, repackaging is necessary, and barcodes are applied. Shelf life - discussed additionally. I am considering offers from performers in Russia. Please leave suggestions on the website / email.by mail. Delivery to Podolsk or Elektrostal
Fulfillment services are required, goods - cosmetics and consumables for beauty salons; packaging boxes and bags; no shelf life. We will consider proposals from performers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Kazan
Fulfillment services are required. Types of goods: bathroom products (dispensers, dispensers, etc.), car accessories (covers, pumps, phone holders, etc.), board games, kitchen utensils (shovels, boards, mats, etc.), etc. Packaging: boxes or bubble wrap depending on the product. Shelf life is being discussed. Delivery to Moscow, Koledino district
Fulfillment services are required, goods - children's kitchens made of plastic, kitchen utensils, electric coffee makers, electric coffee grinders, gifts for February 23, March 8 and February 14, Trimily begovel, children's toys (Lego, opening, wooden); packaging boxes; no shelf life. We will consider proposals from performers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Podolsk or Tyumen or Moscow
Fulfillment services are required, goods - textiles; packaging - cardboard half-boxes; without shelf life. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Moscow
Fulfillment services are required, goods - socks, thermal mugs, car flavors; packaging boxes are croton; without shelf life. Do not disturb with calls, leave suggestions on the website or send by e-mail. We will consider offers from suppliers in Krasnoyarsk. Delivery to Novosibirsk
Storage of goods is required: toys and cosmetics. Type of packaging - we will discuss with the supplier. Shelf life is unlimited. Work on the FBS system. Delivery to the city of Novosibirsk/Moscow
A fulfillment service is required, the product is blankets., the type of packaging is bags and boxes, the shelf life is up to 1 month. Delivery to Moscow
Fulfillment services are required, goods - bags belts; packaging - cardboard boxes; no shelf life. We will consider offers from suppliers in Moscow and Novosibirsk. Delivery to Moscow
Fulfillment services are required, product: wireless headphones, packaging is being discussed. The shelf life is 3 days, but a more precise period is being discussed. We will consider offers from any regions. Delivery to Moscow, Koledino
Fulfillment services are required: the necessary product is candy, the type of packaging is cardboard. The shelf life is 3 months. We will consider offers from any regions. Delivery to Tyumen
Фулфилмент — комплексное обслуживание интернет-магазинов, маркетплейсов. Всю логистику берет на себя сторонний оператор. Он забирает товар со склада клиента, занимается его сборкой — упаковывает, наносит маркировку, ищет место для его хранения до доставки покупателю или в пункт самовывоза, а также обрабатывает возвраты заказов. Логистических схем приема, перевозки, перемещения, хранения, поставки продукции и др. операций очень много, используются они в разных сочетаниях.
Чтобы откликнуться на подходящую заявку, кликайте по ссылке “Оставить предложение”. В открывшейся форме напишите сообщение заказчику или задайте вопрос. Укажите стоимость, имя/название компании и контактные данные (телефон, е-мейл) для связи.
Поставщики, чтобы увеличить продажи, создают на сайте сапл.биз электронные каталоги, где представлены товары или описаны услуги, которые они могут выполнять.