Wholesale orders: Ethylene glycol in the city Краснодаре
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Customers who are considering foreign suppliers
- Food, beverages210622
- Construction and finishing materials97881
- Clothes. Footwear. Toys95853
- Metals81901
- Household goods, packaging, office59967
- Health and beauty37066
- Auto supplies and car service35046
- Consumer goods and specialty stores33942
- Polygraphy. Advertisement26974
- Electronics and electrical engineering26086
- Textile. Interior items24442
- Industrial equipment and tools23381
- Transport and trucking20448
- Chemicals and Fuel19501
- Industrial chemicals, chemical raw materials8668
- Polyethylene410
- Polypropylene 262
- Resins136
- Acid135
- Pigments101
- Alcohols88
- Urea75
- Hydrogen peroxide52
- Ethylene glycol37
- Titanium dioxide35
- Caustic soda32
- ABS plastic29
- Raw materials for production of RTI10
- Propylene glycol4
- Petroleum products, fuel, gas4965
- Biofuels1506
- Industrial gases, cryogenic liquid1028
- Waste disposal. Recyclables833
- Coal698
- Professional chemistry463
- Disinfectants397
- Laboratory reagents196
- Extraction of natural raw materials169
- Dyes153
- Manufacture of plastic products129
- Raw materials for the pulp and paper industry115
- Sorbents97
- Graphite manufacturing73
- De-icing agents62
- Sales and service of trash chutes50
- Magnets48
- Oil, gas companies6
- Servicing oil and gas companies5
- Exploration0
- Industrial chemicals, chemical raw materials8668
- Equipment and tools18964
- Sport. Tourism. Rest18631
- Computers. Household and office equipment17637
- Goods and services for animals15376
- Furniture and fittings12240
- The goods for the garden10182
- IT. Internet. Connection9054
- Construction. Realty. Repair4301
- Safety and security1920
- Legal, financial and business services436
- Art and culture366
- Leisure and entertainment311
- Utilities266
- Work. Study37
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Order № 1226785
Open to suggestions
$4,000 - $15,000
It requires ethylene glycol 98% GOST MEG can filling, for production . The volume of initial delivery is 500 tons. The planned frequency of deliveries is 500 tons per month. Please leave offers and price list of products on the website /email.by mail. We will consider suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Astrakhan, pickup is possible
Delivery in city
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