Wholesale orders: Legal, financial and business services in the city Костроме

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Order № 1905556

Requires contact center operators, remote work; for recruiters and partners. You can also leave your suggestions on Whatsapp. We will consider offers all over Russia

Delivery in Central Federal district
Order № 1909794

Means of radiation, chemical reconnaissance and control are required to supply UFGS. Detailed specification in the attachment: attachment The purchase amount is 50,000 rubles. Please provide a price list of the products. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Moscow, Dorogomilovo district

Delivery in city
Order № 1908963

It is required to produce an automatic seal for documents. The layout and printing form are available. The material is plastic. The circulation is 10 pcs. Please leave the product offers and price list on the website/email/WhatsApp. We consider offers from suppliers for the Central Federal District and the Northwestern Federal District. Delivery to Moscow, the exact location is discussed directly, and St. Petersburg, the exact location is discussed directly

Delivery in city
Order № 1908195

Fulfillment services are required. Product: small household appliances; any type of packaging for marketplaces, shelf life from 1 day, delivery across the Russian Federation. We will consider the performers in the Russian Federation

Delivery in Urals Federal district
Order № 1887835

An outsourced call center is required. Requirements in the attachment: attachment Please leave your suggestions on the website/email. We are considering candidates all over Russia

Delivery in The North-Western Federal district
Order № 1880665

Wheat export services are required. Grade 3, hard and soft grades. Protein from 12.5%- 13.5%. Exports to Africa, the Middle East, South America. LOI is available. The price depends on you - on FOB Novorossiysk. The price depends on you - CIF Hodaida. The volume of delivery is from 50,000 tons. Long-term cooperation is planned in the future. The preferred method of communication is WhatsApp, calls, e-mail. We will consider performers all over Russia. Delivery to the ports of Novorossiysk, Azov, Taman, Astrakhan, Mariupol, Caucasus, etc

Delivery in city
Order № 1878869

A company is required that can provide a business plan and equipment for the production and processing of goat's milk into butter, cheese and koumiss in a ready-made workshop with animals. The purchase amount is from 1,000,000 rubles. Please leave the product offers and price list on the website/ e-mail. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Orenburg

Delivery in city
Order № 1866497

Fire-fighting supplies are required. The file with the specifications in the application: attachment Long-term cooperation is planned in the future. Please provide a price list of the products. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Kazan

Delivery in city
Order № 1859681

The provision of technologist services is required to obtain an Organic Certificate for food production or consulting services in obtaining an Organic Certificate of Russia (GOST 33980 of 2016). The preferred method of communication is calls, e-mail. Services are required in Moscow or in the Krasnodar Territory (to be specified individually)

Delivery in city
Order № 1824538

A ready-made LLC business with a turnover of at least 120 million rubles per year is required, the age of the company is from 3 years old, without debts. The field of activity is food production, wholesale of petroleum products, production in the field of petrochemistry. The purchase amount is within 250,000 rubles. Please leave suggestions on the website/email/WhatsApp. We will consider offers all over Russia

Delivery in Volga Federal district
Order № 1805781

The services of a leasing company are required to purchase mini-loaders on lease. The amount of work is 2 mini-loaders. We will consider proposals for the Russian Federation The place of work is Kalach-on-Don

Delivery in city
Order № 1803425

A contact center is required for long-term cooperation. The full list is in the attached file: attachment We are considering proposals all over Russia

Delivery in Volga Federal district
Order № 1757777

An outsourced call center is required. Tasks of the call center operator: 1. The operator calls from 09:00 to 19:00 from Monday to Saturday the leads from the amoSRM (the "New application" stage), and invites the script (the script is provided by the Customer) for a free consultation at the Customer's office in Murmansk. If necessary, informs the client how to get to the consultation office (the information is provided by the Customer). 2. Upon successful dialing and appointment, sets the "Scheduled meeting/consultation" stage for the lead and records the date and time of the meeting with the client for the Customer in the "Tasks" in the amoSRM. After arriving at the office, the Customer's manager sets a stage ("Came for a consultation", sets the appropriate stage for the transaction. 3. In case of non-call, he sets the "Did not get through" stage and calls three more times within 2 (two) days, after which he sets the stage in the transaction "The transaction is closed and not implemented" due to "Does not get in touch". 4. The operator must speak the script to the client's objections ("far away", "no time", "I don't want / I'm not interested"), the script is provided by the Customer. 5. From 09:00, the operator must ring new applications from the amoSRM using scripts and work out objections (speak the script). 6. During the day, the operator must ring the unanswered leads and enter the appropriate steps in the amoSRM. All new leads must be rung by the end of the day. 7. When an incoming call is made by existing clients, the operator must transfer the call to the office to a lawyer. 8. The operator makes all calls from amoSRM or from the CallGear application on a mobile phone. 9. The call from amoSRM is made via IP telephony (UISCOM), the operator is given access to view all call data on the UISCOM website. 10. Order budget: up to 40,000 rubles/month. There are about 2500min of operator calls per month, the average duration of one conversation is 40 seconds, an average of 57.5 calls per working day. Clarifications: The operator must know the script and get on the line before January 7. Since January 09, we have been working as usual. We work with a call center from any region, we are located in the Moscow time zone. Clarification in the order: For the three months from August 2023 to November inclusive, the duration of the conversations was 66:07:49. Please leave your suggestions on the website/email. We will consider offers all over Russia

Delivery in The North-Western Federal district
Order № 914252

Investments are required to expand the network of stores, ecomarkets in the city of Tomsk. The investment amount is from 2.5 million rubles or a participation share of 500,000 rubles. Offers are interesting in Russia

Delivery in city
Order № 1567750

An investor is required in a franchise project for a chain of hookah shops. The franchise will be distributed throughout Russia. We are ready to pay 120% per annum to the investor. Duration of the transaction: 12 months. Investment amount: 663,000 rubles. The priority method of communication is by phone. We will consider commercial offers from investors from all over Russia. Geographically we are located in Orenburg

Delivery in city

Legal, financial and business services

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— проведение экспертизы (медэкспертиза, строительная экспертиза, контроль качества, оценка условий труда, экологическое сопровождение предприятия и т.д.);
— финансовые услуги (инвестиционные организации, брокерские услуги, финансовый консалтинг);
— сертификация и лицензирование;
— юридические услуги (регистрация и ликвидация предприятия, составление договора, оформление сделки, нотариальные услуги, юридические консультации);
— таможенное оформление;
— банковские услуги;
— бухгалтерские услуги;
— кредитование;
— поиск готового бизнеса, франшиз;
— консалтинговые услуги;
— страхование;
— энергоаудит и т.д.

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