Wholesale orders: IP telephony in the city Karaganda
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- Food, beverages211015
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- The goods for the garden10193
- IT. Internet. Connection9060
- Mobile phones, accessories8303
- Telephones, radiotelephones, PBX, radio communication170
- Antenna equipment, maintenance142
- Development, support, promotion of websites83
- Software sales71
- Switching equipment66
- Navigation equipment32
- Cable TV, satellite TV30
- Transport monitoring systems30
- Telephone and satellite communications17
- IP telephony16
- Automation of production processes12
- Internet Service Providers8
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- Selling electronic digital signatures3
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- Earth remote sensing (ERS). Geographic information system (GIS)0
- Hosting0
- Construction. Realty. Repair4302
- Safety and security1922
- Legal, financial and business services436
- Art and culture366
- Leisure and entertainment312
- Utilities266
- Work. Study37
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Order № 1626607
The supplier selected
Customer is ready to work with international suppliers
0 - $1,500
A telephone is required for retail and wholesale trade and for trading on marketplaces. The Grandstream 1625 or IP Grandstream GXP-1625 model is black. Purchase volume - 3 pcs. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers in Russia, China, the Republic of Belarus, Turkey and Kazakhstan. Delivery to Almaty
Delivery in city
IP telephony
On the supl business platform.biz in the category “IT. The Internet. Communication”, the “IP telephony” section, users publish applications for the wholesale purchase of goods / services and find trusted suppliers for long-term cooperation.
Many companies choose IP telephony to transmit information, communicate with employees and customers. This is an inexpensive, and most importantly, high-quality and convenient telephone type of communication via computer networks. All PBX devices providing the signal are located at the provider, for this reason it is not necessary to purchase equipment or extend cables to offices for connection.
Subscribers can exchange voice messages and media files using network protocols. They can make/receive calls via PC, mobile phones, etc.
Customers often submit ads for the purchase of voip phones (sip support), ip phones, virtual numbers for call forwarding, switching, cable equipment, etc.
You can respond to the order in the form of the website “Leave an offer". It is also possible to contact the buyer directly, the contact details will be opened after clicking on the link “Open customer contacts".
Many companies choose IP telephony to transmit information, communicate with employees and customers. This is an inexpensive, and most importantly, high-quality and convenient telephone type of communication via computer networks. All PBX devices providing the signal are located at the provider, for this reason it is not necessary to purchase equipment or extend cables to offices for connection.
Subscribers can exchange voice messages and media files using network protocols. They can make/receive calls via PC, mobile phones, etc.
Customers often submit ads for the purchase of voip phones (sip support), ip phones, virtual numbers for call forwarding, switching, cable equipment, etc.
You can respond to the order in the form of the website “Leave an offer". It is also possible to contact the buyer directly, the contact details will be opened after clicking on the link “Open customer contacts".
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