Wholesale orders: Packaged products

Ordering products suppliers for wholesale purchases of goods and services is published here, as well as searching for suppliers. You can leave suggestions for orders or place your own.

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Order № 297455

Требуется сахар-песок в мешках по 50 кг - 60 тонн. Интересны предложения с любых регионов, рассматриваем самовывоз - цены указывайте с места. Тольятти

Delivery in city
Order № 266137

Требуется сахар-песок в мешках по 50 кг - 60 тн. Рассматриваем предложения с любых регионов, цены указывайте с места.

Delivery in Южный федеральный округ

Sugar, salt: Packaged products

On the wholesale Internet platform for business supl.biz's ad database is updated daily. Under the heading “Sugar.Salt.”, section “Packaged products" supplier companies from Moscow, the Moscow region and other subjects of Russia can find suitable orders and leave their suggestions.

Most often, customers (food manufacturers, retail outlets and shops, etc.) want to buy the following products in bulk at favorable prices:
— granulated sugar in bags (portion package) 10, 25, 50 kg each;
— packaged refined products, packages of 250, 450 and 900 g;
— table salt, packing up to 50 kg, etc.

To get the phone number and e-mail address of the customer organization, use the functionality of the site supl.biz . Contact the customer using the “Open Contacts" option. Or the supplier can offer their goods by sending a form “Leave an offer for the customer.”

You can specify your contact information, current prices (in rubles, tenge, etc.), terms of sale and delivery, as well as attach an electronic catalog with product characteristics, GOST quality certificates and the best reviews from previous customers.

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