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Order № 120690

I am looking for an investor to jointly develop a field of refractory clays and sands. Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk

Delivery in Россию
Order № 115388

Investments are required for the extraction of refractory clay and sand. In the future, we are building a plant for processing clay into mertel, kaolin, building mixes, chamotte, chamois bricks, etc. Any conditions for an investor are discussed. Issues with the investor are discussed on mutually beneficial terms, for example (equity participation with a refund of +%, equity participation with a refund of +% with the remainder of the share of 10%. Options? 50/50 ? The land is owned by 156ga and 100ga on registration, there is equipment for mining. A very large deposit of proven balance reserves of CLAY (refractory) A - 6818 thousand tons, B - 4850 thousand tons C1 - 2900 thousand tons, off-balance reserves - 1299 thousand tons and refractory sand is 12,000 thousand tons. In the second section of reserves A - 4437 thousand tons, B-2578 thousand tons, C - 2900 thousand tons, off-balance - 1299 thousand tons Reserves of refractory sand have not yet been calculated. It has been agreed to supply clay for 100,000 tons per year. Refractory sand has been agreed with the consumer for the supply of 60,000 tons per year or more. General construction sand, gravel and clay are also mined along the way. There is a need for 36,000 tons of general construction sand. The term of return on investments and all payments is 2.5 years, but in agreement with the investor, it is possible earlier, since agreements of intent have been concluded with consumers for the supply of products for 300,000,000 rubles per year so far. Novokuznetsk

Delivery in Россию

Legal, financial and business services

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