Wholesale orders: Professional chemistry in Arsk

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Order № 2027210

A cleaning agent is required to participate in the tender. TM "Progress", Progressive-Yug for washing children's dishes, according to GOST 32478-2013. Packing of 5 liters. The purchase volume is from 1,000 bottles, on an ongoing basis. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls at any time. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Krasnodar

Delivery in city
Order № 2025566

Detergents are required for wholesale trade. Liquids and powders, for bathrooms, dishes and kitchens. The price segment is economy and medium. Delivery time is up to 7 calendar days. The purchase amount is 30,000 rubles ($300) per quarter. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation only on the website, by e-mail. We will consider offers from suppliers in Russia, China, the Republic of Belarus, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Kazakhstan. Delivery to Kazan

Delivery in city
Order № 2022652

Professional chemistry is required for fountains to supply the organization. List of names and volume: attachment Please provide the product price list. Calls are accepted from 9:00 to 18:00 local time. We consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia and Kazakhstan. Delivery to Astana

Delivery in city
Order № 2022389

Detergents are required for export to Azerbaijan. Liquids and powders, for bathrooms, kitchens, floors, windows, dishes. Retail packaging, European production, any price segment. The purchase volume is 1 ton. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We accept calls from everyone at any time. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Baku

Delivery in city
Order № 2014029

A professional GRASS cleaner "Deso C10" is required to supply the installation company. The initial purchase starts from 50,000 rubles ($500). In the future, it is possible to increase the procurement budget. We accept calls from 8:00 to 20:00 Moscow time. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkey, the UAE and China. The city of delivery is Krasnodar

Delivery in city
Order № 2010984

Professional chemicals are required to supply the hotel. For cleaning rooms, cleaning products in the range. The purchase amount starts from 30,000 rubles ($300). Purchases are made monthly. Please provide the product price list. Calls are accepted from 7:00 to 16:00 Moscow time. We consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Syzran

Delivery in city
Order № 2010234

Detergents and household goods for social protection are required. Specification and scope in the attached file: attachment The price segment is low. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls from 08:00 to 17:00 local time. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Ulyanovsk

Delivery in city
Order № 2008509

A concentrated universal detergent is required to participate in the tender. The volume of the initial purchase is from 120kg. Long-term cooperation is planned in the future. Please leave product offers and price list on the website/email. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Snezhinsk

Delivery in city
Order № 1980008

Detergents are required for trading on marketplaces. For baths, toilets and pipe cleaning. Liquid, packing from 180 g, any price segment. The purchase amount is 150,000 rubles, a regular requirement. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We accept calls Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 23:00 local time. They are also ready to receive offers on WhatsApp. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Divnomorskoye village, Krasnodar Territory

Delivery in Краснодарский край
Order № 1974211

Professional carpet cleaning chemicals are required for supply and retail sales. According to TM, we will consider all options. The price segment is low, medium and high. The initial purchase starts from 100,000 rubles ($1,000). In the future, it is possible to increase the procurement budget. We accept calls from 10:00 to 23:00 Moscow time. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkey, the UAE and China. Delivery city – Belovo, Kemerovo region

Delivery in Кемеровскую область
Order № 1957552

Professional detergents for laundries and dry cleaners are required in the supply range. The economy price segment. Monthly purchase. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers in the Russian Federation. Delivery to Bryukhovetskaya station, Krasnodar Territory.

Delivery in Краснодарский край
Order № 1949234

Professional chemicals are required to clean upholstered furniture for supplies. Stain removers, general cleaning products, etc. Let's consider the options for TM. The price segment is average. We accept offers only in writing by e-mail and via the website. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers all over Russia. Delivery city – Naberezhnye Chelny

Delivery in city
Order № 1942692

Professional detergent ACTIVE-P 5 L is required for supply. We accept calls from 8:00 to 23:00 Moscow time. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery city – St. Petersburg, Barochnaya Street

Delivery in city
Order № 1923712

Professional chemistry is required for car detaling. Degreaser, alcohols, polishing wheels, rags, microfiber, etc. The price segment ranges from medium to premium. We accept calls from 11:00 to 19:00 Moscow time. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider the proposals for the nearby regions. Also in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkey, the UAE and China. Delivery city – Moscow, metro station Chkalovskaya

Delivery in city
Order № 1920221

Professional post-construction chemistry is required for supply and sale. From concrete pollution, dust, etc. The price segment is medium. Purchases are regular. Calls are convenient from 8:00 to 19:00 Moscow time. We will consider suppliers in Russia. Delivery to Chelyabinsk

Delivery in city

Professional chemistry

Рубрика «Профессиональная химия» веб-сайта supl.biz регулярно пополняется множеством объявлений от заказчиков, готовых купить различную профессиональную химию в наличии и под заказ по выгодной цене.

Заказчики в Москве и по всей России размещают заявки на приобретение профессиональной химии, используемой как для уборки за животными, клининга (наведения чистоты) в офисах, ресторанах, квартирах, так и применяемой в качестве средств для производственных целей.

Особенно востребованы следующие виды товаров: химия для чистки мебели, ковров, после пожара и стройки, моющие средства для стекол, пола, стен, порошки: стиральные, для кухни, пола, посуды, посудомоечных машин и другие средства в ассортименте.

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