Wholesale orders
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Customers who are considering foreign suppliers
- Food, beverages211960
- Construction and finishing materials98148
- Clothes. Footwear. Toys96086
- Metals81959
- Household goods, packaging, office60299
- Health and beauty37176
- Auto supplies and car service35383
- Consumer goods and specialty stores34089
- Polygraphy. Advertisement27027
- Electronics and electrical engineering26221
- Textile. Interior items24518
- Industrial equipment and tools23455
- Metalworking equipment2602
- Construction equipment, assistive devices2078
- Industrial pumping equipment1601
- Equipment for food production1504
- Rubber products1234
- Equipment for agriculture936
- Equipment for service795
- Industrial boilers, boilers744
- Gas equipment729
- Equipment for laboratories713
- Woodworking equipment704
- Hydraulic equipment, tools642
- Industrial ventilation, thermal equipment633
- Measuring tool625
- Bearings604
- Equipment for public catering enterprises560
- Refrigeration equipment541
- Equipment for water purification482
- Industrial welding equipment462
- Cash registers, supplies455
- Drilling equipment453
- Tekhnika dlya sklada, accessories440
- The equipment for manufacture of building materials376
- Industrial pneumatic, compressor equipment352
- Petrol, diesel equipment. Generators, power stations292
- Mining equipment265
- Industrial climatic equipment262
- Equipment for the production of clothes and shoes241
- Frame and awning design210
- Painting equipment206
- Oil and gas equipment204
- Printing equipment199
- Weight equipment192
- Equipment for the production and processing of plastics141
- Aircraft equipment, aseabrownboveri129
- Tank equipment, tanks123
- Equipment for filling stations and tank farms121
- The equipment for car washes117
- Equipment for swimming pools112
- Equipment for automation of industrial enterprises96
- Sound, lighting, video equipment70
- Vending equipment66
- The equipment for trade automation63
- Equipment for furniture production62
- Equipment for waste disposal62
- Equipment for dry-cleaners, laundries62
- Payment terminals, banking equipment55
- Repair of industrial equipment54
- Equipment for chemical industry50
- Stone processing equipment44
- Molds, stamps42
- Power equipment34
- Equipment for the pulp and paper industry31
- Weaving equipment22
- The equipment for manufacture of Windows18
- Filter presses14
- Equipment and instruments for jewelry production11
- The equipment for manufacture of metal9
- Equipment for the fishing industry4
- Stekloobrazuyuschego equipment4
- Language laboratory equipment3
- Gambling equipment, accessories2
- Equipment for driving schools2
- Poctoperative equipment2
- Transport and trucking20462
- Chemicals and Fuel19567
- Equipment and tools19136
- Sport. Tourism. Rest18689
- Computers. Household and office equipment17728
- Goods and services for animals15457
- Furniture and fittings12293
- The goods for the garden10231
- IT. Internet. Connection9093
- Construction. Realty. Repair4301
- Safety and security1925
- Legal, financial and business services438
- Art and culture367
- Leisure and entertainment314
- Utilities266
- Work. Study38
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Order № 1704304
Open to suggestions
Customer is ready to work with international suppliers
0 - $1,500
Requires FT-280-4E motor wheel for rectangular duct fans for sale. The purchase volume is 1 piece. Please leave your suggestions on the website/email. I consider offers from suppliers all over Russia and America. Delivery to Belgorod
Delivery in city
Industrial equipment and tools
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На интернет-площадке размещается множество заявок от заказчиков, желающих купить оптом металлообрабатывающее и деревообрабатывающее оборудование, резинотехнические изделия, камнерезные станки, весовое, компрессорное, насосное и котельное оборудование, измерительный инструмент, контрольно-кассовые машины и расходные материалы. Поставщики рассматриваются по Москве и др. городам России. Заказчики изучают предложения как от заводов-производителей, так и от дистрибьюторов. Многие клиенты готовы совместно работать на регулярной основе.
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На интернет-площадке размещается множество заявок от заказчиков, желающих купить оптом металлообрабатывающее и деревообрабатывающее оборудование, резинотехнические изделия, камнерезные станки, весовое, компрессорное, насосное и котельное оборудование, измерительный инструмент, контрольно-кассовые машины и расходные материалы. Поставщики рассматриваются по Москве и др. городам России. Заказчики изучают предложения как от заводов-производителей, так и от дистрибьюторов. Многие клиенты готовы совместно работать на регулярной основе.
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