Wholesale orders
Ordering products suppliers for wholesale purchases of goods and services is published here, as well as searching for suppliers. You can leave suggestions for orders or place your own.
- Food, beverages218780
- Construction and finishing materials99478
- Clothes. Footwear. Toys97338
- Metals82096
- Household goods, packaging, office62038
- Health and beauty37842
- Auto supplies and car service37147
- Consumer goods and specialty stores34681
- Polygraphy. Advertisement27307
- Electronics and electrical engineering26643
- Textile. Interior items25040
- Industrial equipment and tools23777
- Transport and trucking20482
- Chemicals and Fuel19876
- Equipment and tools19712
- Sport. Tourism. Rest18985
- Computers. Household and office equipment18239
- Goods and services for animals15774
- Furniture and fittings12549
- The goods for the garden10597
- IT. Internet. Connection9298
- Construction. Realty. Repair4314
- Safety and security1958
- Legal, financial and business services448
- Art and culture380
- Leisure and entertainment323
- Utilities271
- Work. Study39
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Carpet fabrics, glue gun, thread and tufting gun are required, the price segment is high, for sale. The purchase amount is 300,000 rubles ($3,000), long-term cooperation is possible in the future. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. I consider offers from suppliers all over Russia, the USA and European countries. Delivery to Barnaul
Carpet fabrics, glue gun, threads are required, the price segment is high for sale. The purchase amount is 30,000 rubles, long-term cooperation is possible in the future. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. I consider offers from suppliers all over Russia, the USA and European countries. Delivery to Barnaul
Fabrics in the assortment for tailoring are required. The purchase volume is from the roll, long-term cooperation is planned. Please provide a price list and terms of cooperation on WhatsApp. We will consider proposals for Russia, Turkey, China, and the USA. Delivery to Berezniki / Perm
Fabrics for sewing clothes in the range of: suit, blouse, shirt, etc., material: natural cotton, satin, silk, woolen fabrics, semi-natural, etc., of any density, solid and with prints, of any colors, both bright and calm shades. The initial purchase amount is 30,000 rubles, and in the future, long-term cooperation and budget increases are possible. Frequency of purchases: once a quarter. Please provide the product price list. We will consider suppliers in Russia, China and the United States. Delivery to Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
Textile. Interior items
Наивысшим спросом в разделе пользуются следующие позиции:
— ткани оптом;
— постельное белье и спальные принадлежности (подушки, пледы, одеяла, покрывала);
— кухонные и банные полотенца в ассортименте;
— швейная фурнитура;
— нетканые материалы;
— предметы интерьера и товары для декора дома;
— пряжа;
— печи и камины;
— интерьерные лестницы и ограждения;
— портьерные ткани и шторы итальянского производства;
— карнизы;
— ковры;
— кованые изделия.
Заказчиков интересуют поставщики, реализующие товары крупным и мелким оптом. Продажа осуществляется наличным и безналичным способом.
Чтобы предложить заказчику купить ваши товары по доступным ценам, воспользуйтесь кнопкой “Открыть контакты заказчика” на данном сайте или оставьте клиенту предложение в оранжевой рамке под текстом его заказа. В предложении разместите ссылку на ваш интернет-магазин или каталог, чтобы заказчик мог изучить широкий ассортимент вашей компании.