Wholesale orders
Ordering products suppliers for wholesale purchases of goods and services is published here, as well as searching for suppliers. You can leave suggestions for orders or place your own.
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Category (1)
Regions (1)
Order quantity ($)
Customers who are considering foreign suppliers
- Food, beverages209595
- Construction and finishing materials97645
- Clothes. Footwear. Toys95689
- Metals81895
- Household goods, packaging, office59716
- Health and beauty36979
- Auto supplies and car service34883
- Consumer goods and specialty stores33915
- Polygraphy. Advertisement26934
- Electronics and electrical engineering25977
- Textile. Interior items24360
- Industrial equipment and tools23351
- Transport and trucking20447
- Chemicals and Fuel19467
- Equipment and tools18895
- Sport. Tourism. Rest18601
- Computers. Household and office equipment17603
- Goods and services for animals15332
- Furniture and fittings12210
- The goods for the garden10147
- IT. Internet. Connection9036
- Construction. Realty. Repair4292
- Prefabricated buildings and structures923
- Construction of buildings and structures650
- Renovation and decoration of premises462
- Real estate agencies311
- Road construction and repair174
- Facade works162
- Landscape architecture157
- Roofing works145
- Industrial and self-leveling floors131
- Woodworking120
- Repair and installation of heating, water supply, sewerage systems83
- Electrical installation works81
- Drilling operations77
- Construction and maintenance of power grids75
- Earthworks70
- Sale and maintenance of elevators65
- Insulation works64
- Toilets56
- Chimney systems. Mounting53
- Design organizations51
- Installation of climate control systems49
- Glazing of balconies and loggias44
- Polymer powder coating33
- Anti-corrosion treatment of metal structures32
- Welding works31
- Construction of sports facilities, playgrounds30
- Design and automation of engineering systems27
- Repair and installation of floor coverings25
- Construction of agricultural facilities23
- Piling works19
- Construction and maintenance of swimming pools, fountains16
- Interior design15
- Diamond drilling, cutting14
- Industrial cleaning of structures and equipment13
- Window repair13
- Setting the input groups12
- Demolition of buildings and structures11
- Construction of gas supply systems10
- Technical expertise of buildings and structures9
- Construction and repair of external engineering networks8
- Thermal systems and components8
- Engineering services7
- Blasting operations6
- Geodetic works6
- Land and cadastral works6
- Reconstruction and overhaul of buildings6
- Hydraulic engineering construction5
- Electrical measuring works5
- Installation of underfloor heating5
- High-rise works4
- Tinting of glass of buildings and structures4
- Business centers3
- Geological work2
- Hydrogeological works2
- Underwater technical works2
- Industrial design2
- Environmental works2
- Approval of redevelopment1
- Construction of gas stations, gas stations1
- Technical inventory, accounting1
- Commercial property management1
- Development services0
- Safety and security1917
- Legal, financial and business services435
- Art and culture360
- Leisure and entertainment310
- Utilities272
- Work. Study37
No open applications were found in the selected industries. Try to select a range of adjacent headings and the industry.
Construction. Realty. Repair
Wholesale orders are placed under the heading “Construction. Realty. Repair” on the business platform supl.biz .
Engineering and construction companies, winners of tenders, individual entrepreneurs and individuals are looking for intermediaries and contractors for the construction of buildings and structures, facade and roofing works, repair and decoration of apartments. The search is conducted in Moscow and other cities of Russia.
If you provide construction or repair services and are ready to fulfill the order, contact the customer by phone or e—mail by clicking the “Open customer contacts” button or select another option - “Leave suggestions for the customer.” Offer the customer your terms of cooperation and specify the deadlines for the completion of the work.
Engineering and construction companies, winners of tenders, individual entrepreneurs and individuals are looking for intermediaries and contractors for the construction of buildings and structures, facade and roofing works, repair and decoration of apartments. The search is conducted in Moscow and other cities of Russia.
If you provide construction or repair services and are ready to fulfill the order, contact the customer by phone or e—mail by clicking the “Open customer contacts” button or select another option - “Leave suggestions for the customer.” Offer the customer your terms of cooperation and specify the deadlines for the completion of the work.
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