Wholesale orders: Fresh produce in Vilnius

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Meat, poultry, fish: Fresh produce

In the catalog of the "Fresh products" category of the supl business platform.biz there are applications from trading companies and large stores with delivery in Moscow, the Moscow region and all over Russia who want to buy wholesale and retail fresh meat and fish products of high quality.

The following product categories are in great demand among customers:
— meat: goat meat, beef, pork (including carbonate), lamb, veal in butchering, carcass, half—carcass, cutlet, halal, farm, etc.;
- poultry: chicken (including broiler chickens), turkey, game in carcasses/polutshkah /cutting;
— marine and river fish in the assortment: crucian carp, silver carp, pelengas, walleye, Amur, carp, mullet, minnow, roach, verkhovka, chebak, mullet, loban, barabulka, pike, carp, chehon, sopa, bream, sorozhka, carp, etc. in the cutting / whole.

The choice of suppliers depends on the terms of cooperation that they can offer (affordable prices for goods, the ability to order delivery in Russia and neighboring countries, discounts when buying in bulk, etc.).

You can find an order that suits you on the website supl.biz . You can contact the customer using the “Open customer contacts" button. And also by sending your offer using a special form.

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