Wholesale orders: Industrial boilers, boilers in Nikolayevsk-on-Amur

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Order № 1987304

Industrial boiler equipment is required in the range for wholesale trade. Electric boilers, gas boilers, etc. Economy, medium, high and premium price segment. The purchase amount is 50,000 rubles per quarter. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation only on the website, by e-mail. We will consider offers from suppliers in Russia. Delivery to Chita

Delivery in city
Order № 1673990

A solid fuel boiler is required to supply the construction site. The heating area is 150 m2, the fuel type is coal. Purchase volume - 1 pc. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers in Russia, China. Delivery to Chita

Delivery in city
Order № 1673987

An electric boiler is required to supply the construction site. The heating area is 150 m2, 6 kilowatts. Purchase volume - 1 pc. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers in Russia, China. Delivery to Chita

Delivery in city
Order № 1673985

Gas boilers are required to supply the construction site. The heating area is 150 m2, single-circuit or double-circuit. Purchase volume - 1 pc. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers in Russia, China. Delivery to Chita

Delivery in city
Order № 1423627

A convective block of the KVr boiler is required-2,0-95 - 1 pcs. Full specifications in the attachment: attachment. We work on prepayment. We will consider proposals for Russia. Delivery to Krasnoyarsk

Delivery in city
Order № 1414354

A 100 kW gas boiler is required, a heating area of 600 m2, with components for installation (meters and valves), with a technical passport and a warranty card. The purchase volume is 1 set. We will consider offers from suppliers in Russia, China, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan. Delivery to Yoshkar-Ola

Delivery in city
Order № 1299084

A hot water boiler KVr-1,16 - 1 pc is required. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to the village of Zharikovo, Amur region

Delivery in Амурскую область
Order № 1273091

Spare parts for boilers manufactured by Kiturami and Navien are required. Full scope and specification in the attachment: attachment. attachment. We will consider suppliers from any regions of Russia. Delivery to Krasnoyarsk

Delivery in city
Order № 1265589

A Navien burner (KRO-100A) is required. Purchase volume - 5 pcs. Delivery to Krasnoyarsk

Delivery in city
Order № 1257613

Required boiler ship KITURAMI TURBO 30R for sale - 6 pcs. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Yakutsk

Delivery in city
Order № 1227613

Block boxes of gas boiler houses are required, we will consider the proposals in terms of size. The purchase volume is 13 boiler houses with 5 block boxes. We will consider suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Kaliningrad, Novy Urengoy, Svobodny (Amur region), Ust-Luga, Kingisepp district, Leningrad region

Delivery in Северо-западный федеральный округ
Order № 1217145

An electric boiler with a capacity of 12 kW. 380V is required.The working pressure in the boiler is not more than 0.3 Mpa, complete with a three-stage control panel EVAN EPO-12 - 2 pcs. Expansion tank ; maximum allowable working pressure 0.3 Mpa EVAN HIT-12 - 1 pc. GOST/TU - 104010. The company "EVAN" is interested only in the originals, we do not consider analogues. We will consider offers from any region, all over Russia. When calling, please take into account the difference with Moscow + 9 hours. Delivery to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

Delivery in city

Industrial boilers, boilers

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Этот вид изделий является незаменимым во многих сферах деятельности, в т.ч. они используются при создании различных тепловых систем (бытовых и на предприятиях, таких, как фабрики, заводы и т.п.), поэтому пользуется большим спросом у оптовых клиентов.

В этой категории востребованы следующие виды продукции:
— газовые, паровые, электро — и твердотопливные котлы;
— котельные установки разной мощности (кВт) и назначения;
— комплектующие для механизированной топки котлов и для специализированных отопительных систем.

Также заказчиков отдельно интересует услуга установки систем водоснабжения и отопления.

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