Wholesale orders: Hydraulic equipment, tools in Kuibyshev

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Order № 2023011

A TM Yilmaz KP 120 hydraulic press is required to press the corners of the profiles for your own needs. The purchase volume is 1 pc. Please provide the price list by e-mail. We will consider offers all over Russia. Delivery to Omsk

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Order № 2010949

An Atlas Copco PV-271 hydraulic cylinder is required - 2 pcs. to supply production. Please provide the price list by e-mail. We will consider offers all over Russia. Delivery to Khabarovsk

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Order № 2003022

A stave feed cylinder for drilling equipment is required. The purchase volume is 2 pieces. Purchases are carried out on an ongoing basis. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls from 9:00 to 17:00 Mon-Fri, local time. We consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Novokuznetsk

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Order № 1948683

A vulcanizing hydraulic press is required for supply. The dimensions of the heating plates are 1000x1000mm., with a force of 300 tons. Any price segment. The purchase volume is 1 pc., a one-time need. Please provide a price list of the products. We consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, the UAE, Kazakhstan, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Astana

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Order № 1935868

A repair kit of the hydraulic cylinder key ( is required for the SBS 250 MNA 32 for supply. Detailed specification and volume in the attachment: attachment Please provide a price list of the products. We are ready to receive calls from 8:00 to 12:00 Moscow time. We consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, the UAE, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Abakan

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Order № 1916119

Hydraulic parts are required for supply. The full list and volume in the attachment: attachment . We will consider offers from suppliers in Russia. Delivery to Krasnoyarsk

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Order № 1803292

A hydraulic press is required for wholesale and retail sales. Specification in the attachment: attachment. Please provide a price list of the products. We will consider suppliers throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries. Delivery to Ust-Kamenogorsk

Delivery in city
Order № 1646286

A hydraulic press p7640 is required for cold extrusion of relief cavities, a force of 1000 tons, for production. The purchase volume is 1 pc. Please provide a price list and terms of cooperation on WhatsApp, e-mail. We will consider proposals for Russia. Delivery to Tukhard, Krasnoyarsk

Delivery in city
Order № 1598027

A hydraulic lock is required. Detailed specification in the attached file: attachment. Please provide a certificate for the products. Please leave your suggestions in the form of a KP by e-mail. Delivery to Lensk

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Order № 1790810

Repair kits for hydraulic cylinders are required, consider all brands. For retail sale. The amount of the initial purchase is 500,000 rubles. Long-term cooperation is planned in the future. Please leave the product offers and price list on the website/ e-mail. We will consider suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Ulan-Ude

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Hydraulic equipment, tools

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Большой спрос на эту категорию товаров объясняется тем, что почти во всех отраслях и сферах деятельности гидравлическое оборудование и инструменты эксплуатируются широко и разнообразно.

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