Wholesale orders: Hydraulic equipment, tools in Kuibyshev
Ordering products suppliers for wholesale purchases of goods and services is published here, as well as searching for suppliers. You can leave suggestions for orders or place your own.
- Food, beverages223146
- Construction and finishing materials100594
- Clothes. Footwear. Toys98016
- Metals82196
- Household goods, packaging, office63179
- Health and beauty38252
- Auto supplies and car service38191
- Consumer goods and specialty stores35154
- Polygraphy. Advertisement27462
- Electronics and electrical engineering27151
- Textile. Interior items25374
- Industrial equipment and tools24020
- Metalworking equipment2737
- Construction equipment, assistive devices2112
- Industrial pumping equipment1614
- Equipment for food production1530
- Rubber products1244
- Equipment for agriculture972
- Equipment for service810
- Industrial boilers, boilers751
- Gas equipment750
- Measuring tool736
- Equipment for laboratories721
- Woodworking equipment718
- Hydraulic equipment, tools647
- Industrial ventilation, thermal equipment641
- Bearings607
- Equipment for public catering enterprises569
- Refrigeration equipment554
- Equipment for water purification498
- Cash registers, supplies472
- Industrial welding equipment464
- Tekhnika dlya sklada, accessories451
- Drilling equipment450
- The equipment for manufacture of building materials378
- Industrial pneumatic, compressor equipment352
- Petrol, diesel equipment. Generators, power stations291
- Mining equipment267
- Industrial climatic equipment262
- Equipment for the production of clothes and shoes251
- Frame and awning design213
- Painting equipment209
- Oil and gas equipment205
- Printing equipment203
- Weight equipment195
- Equipment for the production and processing of plastics145
- Aircraft equipment, aseabrownboveri132
- Equipment for filling stations and tank farms125
- Tank equipment, tanks124
- The equipment for car washes117
- Equipment for swimming pools114
- Equipment for automation of industrial enterprises98
- Sound, lighting, video equipment72
- Vending equipment67
- The equipment for trade automation63
- Equipment for furniture production62
- Equipment for waste disposal62
- Equipment for dry-cleaners, laundries62
- Payment terminals, banking equipment56
- Repair of industrial equipment55
- Equipment for chemical industry54
- Stone processing equipment45
- Molds, stamps41
- Power equipment34
- Equipment for the pulp and paper industry31
- Weaving equipment22
- The equipment for manufacture of Windows18
- Filter presses14
- Equipment and instruments for jewelry production11
- The equipment for manufacture of metal9
- Stekloobrazuyuschego equipment5
- Equipment for the fishing industry4
- Language laboratory equipment3
- Equipment for driving schools3
- Gambling equipment, accessories2
- Poctoperative equipment2
- Transport and trucking20508
- Equipment and tools20180
- Chemicals and Fuel20083
- Sport. Tourism. Rest19224
- Computers. Household and office equipment18540
- Goods and services for animals16000
- Furniture and fittings12791
- The goods for the garden11074
- IT. Internet. Connection9398
- Construction. Realty. Repair4316
- Safety and security1984
- Legal, financial and business services452
- Art and culture379
- Leisure and entertainment320
- Utilities270
- Work. Study39
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A TM Yilmaz KP 120 hydraulic press is required to press the corners of the profiles for your own needs. The purchase volume is 1 pc. Please provide the price list by e-mail. We will consider offers all over Russia. Delivery to Omsk
An Atlas Copco PV-271 hydraulic cylinder is required - 2 pcs. to supply production. Please provide the price list by e-mail. We will consider offers all over Russia. Delivery to Khabarovsk
A stave feed cylinder for drilling equipment is required. The purchase volume is 2 pieces. Purchases are carried out on an ongoing basis. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls from 9:00 to 17:00 Mon-Fri, local time. We consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Novokuznetsk
A vulcanizing hydraulic press is required for supply. The dimensions of the heating plates are 1000x1000mm., with a force of 300 tons. Any price segment. The purchase volume is 1 pc., a one-time need. Please provide a price list of the products. We consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, the UAE, Kazakhstan, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Astana
A repair kit of the hydraulic cylinder key ( is required for the SBS 250 MNA 32 for supply. Detailed specification and volume in the attachment: attachment Please provide a price list of the products. We are ready to receive calls from 8:00 to 12:00 Moscow time. We consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, the UAE, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Abakan
Hydraulic parts are required for supply. The full list and volume in the attachment: attachment . We will consider offers from suppliers in Russia. Delivery to Krasnoyarsk
A hydraulic press is required for wholesale and retail sales. Specification in the attachment: attachment. Please provide a price list of the products. We will consider suppliers throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries. Delivery to Ust-Kamenogorsk
A hydraulic press p7640 is required for cold extrusion of relief cavities, a force of 1000 tons, for production. The purchase volume is 1 pc. Please provide a price list and terms of cooperation on WhatsApp, e-mail. We will consider proposals for Russia. Delivery to Tukhard, Krasnoyarsk
A hydraulic lock is required. Detailed specification in the attached file: attachment. Please provide a certificate for the products. Please leave your suggestions in the form of a KP by e-mail. Delivery to Lensk
Repair kits for hydraulic cylinders are required, consider all brands. For retail sale. The amount of the initial purchase is 500,000 rubles. Long-term cooperation is planned in the future. Please leave the product offers and price list on the website/ e-mail. We will consider suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Ulan-Ude
Hydraulic equipment, tools
Большой спрос на эту категорию товаров объясняется тем, что почти во всех отраслях и сферах деятельности гидравлическое оборудование и инструменты эксплуатируются широко и разнообразно.
Заказчики регулярно закупают в рубрике следующие виды товаров: гидравлические прессы (в т.ч. для автосервисов), гидроцилиндры, гидромоторы, гидротолкатели, гидрораспределители, масломеры, регуляторы потока, дроссели, фильтры, ручные прессы, гидробуры, гидростанции и другие.
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