Wholesale orders: Batteries in Kostanay
Ordering products suppliers for wholesale purchases of goods and services is published here, as well as searching for suppliers. You can leave suggestions for orders or place your own.
- Food, beverages223146
- Construction and finishing materials100594
- Clothes. Footwear. Toys98016
- Metals82196
- Household goods, packaging, office63179
- Health and beauty38252
- Auto supplies and car service38191
- Consumer goods and specialty stores35154
- Polygraphy. Advertisement27462
- Electronics and electrical engineering27151
- Lighting6343
- Electrical products5412
- Cable and wire5356
- Instrumentations (kipia)2258
- Motors1805
- Electronic components1753
- Electrical products1742
- Electrical insulation materials757
- Batteries745
- Electric heating equipment596
- Electrical products519
- Electronic devices452
- Spare parts for ships141
- Power transmission towers wooden86
- Optical devices64
- Surveying equipment40
- Radio controlled devices37
- Non-destructive testing equipment30
- Radiation monitoring equipment6
- Textile. Interior items25374
- Industrial equipment and tools24020
- Transport and trucking20508
- Equipment and tools20180
- Chemicals and Fuel20083
- Sport. Tourism. Rest19224
- Computers. Household and office equipment18540
- Goods and services for animals16000
- Furniture and fittings12791
- The goods for the garden11074
- IT. Internet. Connection9398
- Construction. Realty. Repair4316
- Safety and security1984
- Legal, financial and business services452
- Art and culture379
- Leisure and entertainment320
- Utilities270
- Work. Study39
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Finger and pinky batteries are required for wholesale and retail sale. We are ready to consider all offers on packaging. The price segment is low/medium. Trial purchase budget 100 000 - 200 000 rubles (1 000 - 2 000 $). Purchases are planned on an ongoing basis. Please leave the product offers and price list on the website/e-mail. I will consider offers from suppliers in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Belarus. Delivery to Kostanay
Pinky and finger batteries are required, from 2 pcs. in a package of any TM for retail sale. Interested in the low price segment. The purchase budget starts from 50,000 rubles ($ 500), long-term cooperation is planned. Please leave your suggestions in the form of a KP by e-mail. We will consider offers throughout Russia, Turkey, Belarus, Kazakhstan and China. The delivery city is specified individually
AAA, AA batteries are required, the manufacturer is not important, but the economy price segment is interested, for retail sale. The purchase amount is 30,000 rubles ($300), on a regular basis. Please leave the product offers and price list on the website/email. We will consider suppliers in Russia, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus. Delivery to the city of Istra, to the place, or SDEK
Batteries are required for retail sale. Finger, pinky, tablet, batteries, etc. The price segment ranges from low to premium. The budget of the trial purchase is from 50,000 rubles (from $ 500). Purchases are planned on an ongoing basis. Please provide a price list. I will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Belarus, Turkey. Delivery to Stavropol
Duracell finger and pinky batteries are required, packing in a box of 864 pieces, for wholesale. The purchase volume is 5 boxes. Please leave your suggestions on Whatsapp/email.by mail. We will consider proposals for the nearest regions, Kazakhstan and China. Delivery to Ufa
Finger, pinky, alkaline, salt, etc. batteries are required. For retail sale. The price segment is low and medium. Purchase from 50,000 rubles ($ 500) in 2 weeks. Please provide price lists and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkey and China. Delivery city - Vladimir
Batteries are required for retail sale: finger, pinky, tablets. The price segment is low and medium. Purchase amount - 40 000 - 50 000 rubles ($400-500), monthly. Please do not call, leave all offers and the price list of products on the website / email.by mail. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Gubakha
Batteries are required for wholesale: pinky, finger, tablets. The price segment is medium. The purchase amount is from 100,000 rubles (from $ 1,000), on an ongoing basis. Please leave offers and price list of products on the website /email.mail. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Malgobek
Часто заказы поступают на следующие изделия:
— мизинчиковые, пальчиковые щелочные батарейки разных производителей;
— литиевые аккумуляторы;
— зарядные устройства.
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