Wholesale orders in Gatchina

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Order № 2029560

Seeds are required for cultivation. Siberian pine, Korean pine, cedar, elderberry, larch, silberlock fir. Packing of 1 kg. Purchases are carried out on an ongoing basis. We are ready to receive calls from 9:00 to 18:00 local time. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia and Europe. Delivery to Perm

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Order № 2028528

Montpensier lollipops are required for wholesale sale. Packing in boxes. With branding. The price segment is low, medium and premium. Purchase volume - 5000 - 10 000 pcs. Purchases are made every three to four months. Please leave suggestions and price list of products on WhatsApp. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia Delivery to Moscow, the exact location is discussed directly

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Order № 2029299

Laundry capsules are required for retail sale in the store. Packing of 30-50 capsules per pack. The initial purchase volume is 1,000 packages. Purchases are carried out on an ongoing basis. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls from 10:00 to 18:00 Moscow time. We consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Moscow, Marino station

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Order № 2029481

A range of washing powder is required for wholesale sale. We are considering all the brands. I am interested in the budget, average price segment. The initial purchase volume is from 1 to 15 tons. Long-term cooperation is planned in the future. Please leave product offers and price list on the website/email. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Moscow, the area is specified individually

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Order № 2029477

Soft drinks are required for sale in a retail store and warehouse supply. TM: "Nror", "Chernogolovka", "Kalinov". We will consider any packaging, including pallets. The purchase amount is from 50,000 rubles ($500), on an ongoing basis. Delivery is required on a daily basis and less frequently. Please provide the product price list.. We consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, China, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Moscow, Volgogradsky Prospekt metro station

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Order № 2029472

Berries and fruits are required for wholesale. Blueberries, raspberries, etc. for wholesale. The volume of the initial purchase is from 1 truck. Long-term cooperation is planned in the future. Please provide the product price list. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia and other CIS countries. Delivery to Voronezh

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Order № 2029402

Requires Kugo equipment in the range for wholesale. We are considering V3 Pro, V3 Pro Max, V2, G2 Max. The initial purchase volume is from 10 boxes per item. Long-term cooperation is planned in the future. Please provide the product price list. We will consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Melitopol

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Order № 2029365

Plant protection products and fertilizers for the garden and vegetable garden are required for further retail resale. We will consider soil, fertilizers, chemicals, etc. We will consider all offers for packaging. The price segment is low, medium, and premium. The purchase amount is up to 100,000 rubles ($1,000). Please leave product offers and price list on the website/email. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, China, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Balabanovo

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Order № 2029364

Seeds and planting materials for the garden and vegetable garden are required for further retail resale. Consider seeds for flowers and vegetable crops. We will consider all offers for packaging. The price segment is low, medium, and premium. The purchase amount is up to 100,000 rubles ($1,000). Please leave product offers and price list on the website/email. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, China, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Balabanovo

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Order № 2029366

Garden and vegetable garden inventory is required for further retail resale. Consider shovels, rakes, etc. The price segment is low, medium, and premium. The purchase amount is up to 100,000 rubles ($1,000). Please leave product offers and price list on the website/email. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, China, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Balabanovo

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Order № 2029499

Native extra starch is required for supply. We will consider all offers for packaging. The purchase amount starts from 500,000 rubles ($5,000). Please leave product offers and price list on the website/email. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, China, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Moscow the exact place of delivery will be discussed individually.

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Order № 2029500

Sodium pyrophosphate E450(i) SAPP 40 is required for supply. We will consider all offers for packaging. The purchase amount starts from 500,000 rubles ($5,000). Please leave product offers and price list on the website/email. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, China, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Moscow, the exact place of delivery will be discussed individually

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Order № 2029501

Quartz flour morpholide is required for supply. 50 microns. We will consider all offers for packaging. The purchase amount starts from 500,000 rubles ($5,000). Please leave product offers and price list on the website/email. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, China, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Moscow, the exact place of delivery will be discussed individually.

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Order № 2029502

Requires aqueous and non-aqueous ammonia GOST 6221-90 for supply. We will consider all offers for packaging. The purchase amount starts from 500,000 rubles ($5,000). Please leave product offers and price list on the website/email. We will consider offers from suppliers throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, China, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Belarus. Delivery to Moscow, the exact place of delivery will be discussed individually.

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Order № 2029263

The SSD-1 machine is required for artificial aging (brushing) of wood for personal supply. The width of the processed parts is 300 mm., The length of the processed parts is the smallest - 500 mm, the largest - unlimited, The thickness of the processed parts is 15...400 mm, The length of the brushes is 300 mm., The number of brush revolutions is 1200 rpm. The diameter of the brushes is 200 mm. Engine power - 2.2 kW, Dimensions L /W / H (mm) - 1000/500/1400. Please provide the product price list. We are ready to receive calls from 10:00 to 17:00 Moscow time. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Zelenograd

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