Wholesale orders: Anti-corrosion treatment of cars in Bologoe

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Order № 1948473

Anti-corrosion treatment of vehicles in the retail range is required. Passenger cars, domestic and foreign cars, economy, medium, high and premium price segment. The purchase amount is 100,000 rubles ($1,000) per month. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. We will consider offers from suppliers in Russia, China, the Republic of Belarus, Turkey, the UAE and Kazakhstan. Delivery to Neftekamsk

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Order № 1853052

Anti-corrosion mastic for the bottom of DINITROL 482 is required for implementation. The initial supply volume is 200 liter euroballons. Long-term cooperation is planned in the future. Please provide a price list of the products. The preferred method of communication is calls, WhatsApp. We will consider suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to St. Petersburg, Krasnoselsky district

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Order № 1806272

An anti-corrosion coating is required for the car, the price segment is low for supply. The purchase amount is 30,000 rubles, and long-term cooperation is possible in the future. Please provide your price list and terms of cooperation. I am considering offers from suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Smolensk

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Order № 1641889

The wax anticorrosive composition Anticorit BW 366 205 l is required for further use. The volume of the initial delivery is 1 barrel. The preferred method of communication is a call. We will consider suppliers all over Russia. Delivery to Nizhny Novgorod

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Anti-corrosion treatment of cars

Anticorrosive treatment is necessary to protect vulnerable, including hidden parts of the car (for example, the bottom or cavities associated with it) from aggressive environmental influences, for this purpose special formulations are applied to them. The section “Anti-corrosion treatment of cars” in the heading “Automotive products and auto repair” on the b2b site Supl.biz contains bulk orders for services and products from this category. Orders for anticorrosive materials and work on their application are presented by the following requests:

— color anodizing of parts, electroplating of 5 millimeters, color anodizing in Moscow;
— goods to the car enamel store: paint, solvent, skin, tape, tools and consumables for painting cars, blackeners, foam, flavors for cars, antikor;
— liquid glass for an online store;
— chrome plating or nickel plating of the wheels.

Sapl-biz has been searching for bulk orders since 2013 to help suppliers and customers find each other. Buyers in this category of orders can be both shops and car service stations, as well as end users of services. To make the use of the site more efficient, try not only to offer the best prices, but also do not forget to tell about other advantages of working with the company. Due to this, the offer will be more noticeable and attractive to customers who value the quality of service. A good way to raise your rating is to ask the client to leave feedback on your work.

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